Slider Volume with jQuery

Struggling to find a solution for this issue. Seeking some assistance.

My goal is to create a basic volume slider.

So, the orange section represents my volume slider.

This is the jQuery code I am using:

var mouseIsDown = false;

$("#volSlider").on("mousedown", function() { mouseIsDown = true; });
$("#volSlider").on("mouseup", function() { mouseIsDown = false; });
$("#volSlider").on("mouseleave", function() { mouseIsDown = false; });

$("#controlVolume").on("mousemove", function(event) 
    if (mouseIsDown == true) 
        var caretPositionFromTop = $("#volCaret").position().top;
        var areaHeight = $("#volSlider").height();
        var volume = (caretPositionFromTop / areaHeight) * 100;
        volume = Math.round(volume);

        $("#volCaret").css("bottom", volume);

        if (volume <= 100 && volume >= 0)
            // To be continued.

Edit: Here is the HTML structure for reference:

<div id="controlVolume">
    <div id="volSlider">
        <div id="volCaret"></div>
    <div id="volText"></div>

When trying to drag the caret upwards, it only goes up to "1" and stops. Is there something I'm overlooking? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

To accurately track the movement of the mouse, focus on monitoring the Y vertex instead of solely the caret's height (though technically it does change with each mouse movement). Currently, you are observing the volume bar's position which remains constant.

Your code should resemble something like this:

var mousePos = 0;
var mouseDown = false;
var height = 0;

$("#volSlider").mousedown(function(e) { mouseDown = true; mousePos = e.pageY; height = $("#volCaret").height(); });
$("#volSlider").mouseup(function() { mouseDown = false; mousePos = 0 });
$("#volSlider").mouseleave(function() { mouseDown = false; mousePos = 0 });

    if (mouseDown == true) 
        var areaHeight = $("#volSlider").height();
        var caretHeight = height + (e.pageY - mousePos);
        $("#volCaret").height(caretHeight ); 

        var volume = caretHeight / areaHeight * 100;


Consider sharing your code on jsfiddle in case I have overlooked any potential issues causing this script to malfunction.

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