Simplifying the process of importing SCSS files in Angular 5

After extensive searching, I've come up empty-handed in finding a solution to my project dilemma. Let's say I have various .scss files within my project such as mixins.scss, vars.scss, and base.scss. Naturally, I would like to use these files in my component .scss file. Is there a method where I can import all of these at once and utilize them across my project seamlessly? It seems impractical to include six import statements in every single .scss file. I've attempted adding the files directly to the angular-cli.json file and importing them into my main styles.scss file without success.

Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!


I was able to come up with a workaround by consolidating all imports into a main.scss file. However, I believe there must be a more efficient solution out there!

Answer №1

If you're looking to load all files in a folder using webpack, consider utilizing webpack's require.context feature. For more information and a solution, check out this helpful answer.

requireAll(require.context('./styles/', true, /\.scss$/))

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