Showing nested div elements in a single row

I'm currently dealing with a react component that generates nested divs. My goal is to make sure all the divs are displayed on the same line, but the catch is I can only apply styles to the outermost container div. Is there a way to achieve this without directly styling the inner divs? If only there was a way to pass style properties to the "hello" div.

Current Layout:


secondLine thirdLine

Desired Layout:

hello secondLine thirdLine

<div style={{ textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }}>
        <div style={{ display: "inline" }}>
        {` `}
        <div style={{ display: "inline" }}> secondDiv </div>
        <div style={{ display: "inline" }}> thirdDiv </div>

Answer №1

Change the outer div to use 'flex' display property

<div style={{ textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap",display:"flex" }}>
    <div style={{ display: "inline" }}>
    { }
    <div style={{ display: "inline" }}> secondDiv </div>
    <div style={{ display: "inline" }}> thirdDiv </div>

Check out this link for more information: details

Answer №2

When modifying the HTML, consider changing the inner <div> to an inline element like <span>. Even if the parent div has a display:inline property, the inner div will still take up the full width because it defaults to display block:

<div style="textAlign:left, whiteSpace:nowrap">
    <div style="display:inline">
        <span style="display:inline">hello</span>
    <div style="display:inline"> secondDiv </div>
    <div style="display:inline"> thirdDiv </div>

In your JSX code, it should look something like this:

<div style={{ textAlign: "left", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }}>
  <div style={{ display: "inline" }}>
  {` `}
  <div style={{ display: "inline" }}> secondDiv </div>
  <div style={{ display: "inline" }}> thirdDiv </div>

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