Showing identification on the drop-down list

Within my dropdown menu setup, I am aiming to achieve a specific functionality. When the user clicks on sub menu, I want the title of sub menu to display in the Menu space as illustrated below.

What steps can be taken to accomplish this?

UPDATE: After further consideration, it seems that my initial explanation was not clear enough.

Let's say, for instance, a user selects the Sub Menu 2 option, they will then be directed to a corresponding page.

This particular Sub Menu 2 page will have a designated url of sub_menu_2. For example, the URL of the page may be something like .com/sub_menu_2

When users navigate to the sub menu 2 page, I would like the menu title to reflect 'sub menu 2' accordingly.

I apologize for any confusion caused earlier.

Answer №1

Check out a potential fix here:

To enhance your main and sub menus, assign classes with the following values:

<h1>Drop Down Menu</h1>
<nav id="primary_nav_wrap">

  <li><a class="main-menu" href="#">Menu</a>
      <li><a class="sub-menu" id="a" href="#">Sub Menu 1</a></li>
      <li><a class="sub-menu" id="d" href="#">Sub Menu 2</a></li>
      <li><a class="sub-menu" id="c" href="#">Sub Menu 3</a></li>

$('.sub-menu').on('click', function(){

UPDATE: To revert back to the 'Menu' text when the control is not in focus, follow this method:

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