Showcasing the Contrast in Appearance between Chrome and Firefox on Wordpress

Is there anybody who can help me out? I am currently using a "pullout" widget on my Wordpress website to show an inline link that opens specific text in a prettyPhoto box with scrollbars.

The setup works flawlessly in Google Chrome, but when I view the page in Firefox, it displays all the text within the pullout tab without hiding it until the link is clicked?

In my CSS, I have utilized the following:


Below is the code for my widget:

<a href="#inline-1" rel="prettyPhoto" >Link</a>
    <div id="inline-1" class="hide">
        <p>Text that will appear in the prettyPhoto textbox when the Link is clicked</p>

I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Thank you.

Answer №1

If you're experiencing issues with the visibility of the element #inline-1, it's worth checking the CSS rule assigned to it. Keep in mind that if display:block; is applied to #inline-1, it will take precedence over the display:none; from the .hide class due to ID specificity in CSS.

A useful tool like Firebug for Firefox can assist you in troubleshooting this matter.

In addition, the behavior of the #inline-1 div may be altered by the prettyPhoto plugin, potentially causing it to become visible unexpectedly.

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