Showcasing a Collection of Dropdown Options for All Angular Material Icons in Angular Versions 2 and Above

I'm currently developing an Angular 10 application that utilizes Angular Material Icons. I am in search of a method to dynamically showcase a dropdown menu containing all the available Material Icons.

My attempt to programmatically retrieve the icon list using MatIconRegistry has been unsuccessful so far, as the icons array remains empty. Here is the relevant code snippet:

    this.matIconRegistry['_iconSetConfigs'].forEach((config: any) => {
        if (config.names) {
            config.names.forEach((name: string) => {
                const sanitizedUrl = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(config.url);

Is there a dependable method to fetch the list of Material Icons and exhibit them in a dropdown within Angular 10?

Any suggestions or alternative approaches would be greatly valued.

Thank you!

My goal is to achieve something similar to the following image:

Answer №1

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of material icons available, fear not! There are over 900 of them, but Angular doesn't offer a way to access them programmatically. However, you can still check out this list of codes for reference.

It's worth noting that Google has recently shifted towards using a single font file for all their Material Symbols, combining over 2,500 glyphs into one convenient package.

If you only need a handful of specific icons, consider following the technique outlined by Kenedy on Stack Overflow for a more streamlined approach.

Answer №2

To showcase the material icon, you can follow these steps:

<div *ngFor="let icon of icons;">
<mat-icon aria-hidden="false" aria-label="Example home icon" [fontIcon]="icon"></mat-icon>
icons = ['home']
import {MatIconModule} from '@angular/material/icon';

  imports: [MatIconModule]

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