Show the components of an associative array with a click of a button

I have a total of four div elements and array elements. My goal is to link these two components together effectively.

Specifically, when a user clicks on the first div element with the class .news, I want to display the values of the first element in the array within the div #selectedNews.

You can view my code here

The main issue I am facing is understanding how to establish a connection between the div elements and the array elements.

Here is the code snippet again:

var newsListData = [
    "group" : "science",
    "title" : "Text 1",
    "image" : "images/news1.jpg",
    "content" : "Text text text"
    "group" : "science",
    "title" : "Text 2",
    "image" : "images/news2.jpg",
    "content" : "Text text text"
    "group" : "science",
    "title" : 'Text 3',
    "image" : "images/news3.jpg",
    "content" : "Text text text"
    "group" : "economics",
    "title" : 'Text 4',
    "image" : "images/news4.jpg",
    "content" : "Text text text"

var selected;
function elem() {
  selected.innerHTML = "";
  for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  var selectedNews = newsListData​ /* stuck HERE */
  for (var i = 0; i < selectedNews.length; i++) {
    selectedNews[i].addEventListener("click", elem);
  selected = document.getElementById("selectedNews")
#selectedNews {
  border : 1px solid gray;
  margin : 10px;
  padding : 5px;

.news {
  background-color: green;
  border: 2px solid black;
  padding: 4px;
  margin-top: 2px;
  text-align: center;
<div id="newsList">
<input type="text" placeholder="filter..." id="filter"/>
<div class="list"> 
<div id="0-news" class="news">One</div>
    <div id="1-news" class="news">Two</div>
    <div id="2-news" class="news">Three</div>
    <div id="3-news" class="news">Last one</div>

<article id="selectedNews">
<img src="" alt="titre"/>
<div id="content">
bla bla

Answer №1

If you want to display a specific item from an array, you will need to know the index of that item. One way to achieve this is by adding an event listener to elements with the class .news, as shown in the example below:

<div id="0-news" class="news" onclick="showItem(0)">Item One</div>

Here is how you can implement this in your JavaScript code:

window.showItem = function(index) {
    var selectedData = dataArray[index]; // retrieve the data at the specified index
    // further logic to display the selected data goes here

You can view a demo of this implementation here.

Additionally, you can dynamically create buttons based on your data using a loop:

var newsContainer = document.getElementById("newsContainer");
var button;

for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
    button = document.createElement("button"); // create a button element

    button.setAttribute("id", i + "-news"); // set the id attribute

    button.onclick = showItem(i); // attach event listener to display respective data

    newsContainer.appendChild(button); // add the button to the container

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