Show all <p> lines in a .txt file in a horizontal format instead of vertical using javascript and jquery

I'm attempting to export the content from a div as a .txt file, but all the paragraphs are displaying side by side.

For instance, within the div content, I have the following lines:

<div id="content>
    <p>How are you</p>

The desired output in the .txt file should be:

 How are you

However, the actual output appears as:

 hello How are you

Here is the jsfiddle link for reference:

Answer №1

Opt for using .textContent over .innerText:

  • .innerText shows text as it appears in HTML

  • .textContent displays text as raw textNodes

observe the distinction in the code snippet below:


/* Styles are for demo purposes */
#text {
  border:1px solid blue;
  padding:0 10px;
.as-console-wrapper {
<!DOCTYPE html>



  <div id="text">
      and Yang,</p>
    <p style="visibility:hidden">Black and White</p>
    <p>Evil and Good</p>

    var text = document.getElementById('text');
    var iText = text.innerText;
    var tContent = text.textContent;
    console.log('innerText: \n' + iText);
    console.log('textContent: \n' + tContent);


Answer №2

Integrate jQuery into your project.

Here is the HTML snippet:

<div id="content">
  <p>How's everything going?</p>
<a href="#" id="downloadLink">Download as .txt</a><br>

Below is the JavaScript code:

var root = document.getElementById('content');
var arr = [];
var texts = [] root.querySelectorAll("p"), function(v){
  return v.textContent || v.innerText || "";
for (var i in texts) {
  arr = arr + texts[i];
  arr += "\r\n"; // move to a new line
$("#downloadLink").click(function() {
  var hiddenElement = document.createElement('a');
  hiddenElement.href = 'data:attachment/text,' + encodeURI(arr); = '_blank'; = 'downloadedFile.txt';'downloadLink');

Access the Fiddle Here

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