Show a checkmark or X depending on the condition in Javascript

I have an array of data that I want to compare to the input in a text field. If the input matches an element in the array, I want to display a checkmark, and if it doesn't match, I want to display a crossmark.

However, I'm having an issue where it either displays a checkmark for all numbers entered or a crossmark. Here is my JavaScript code:


    > var data={"number":{"1234","7742","3452","6543","0091"}}; 
function validation(){ 
 var numbersearch =document.getElementById("validate").value;  
for(var i=0; i<data.number.length; i++) {
       if( data.number[i] === numberInput) {
       document.querySelector('.checkmark').style.display = "block"; } 
else if(numberInput === '') { 
     document.querySelector('.checkmark').style.display = "none"; }
     document.querySelector('.crossmark').style.display = "block"; } } }

<input id="validate" type="text" maxlength=4 placeholder="0000">
<svg class="checkmark>
<scg class="crossmark>

Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong here? I've connected the validation() function to the HTML using an angular component. My goal is to display the class .checkmark when there is a match and .crossmark when there is not a match.

Answer №1

When you identify your number, it's time to break out of the loop. Currently, the code is only checking if the last number in the array matches the input.

To improve this, you should exit the loop as soon as you find a match. Here's how:

for (var i = 0; i < data.number.length; i++) {
    if (data.number[i] === numberInput) {
        document.querySelector('.checkmark').style.display = "block"; 
        break; // This stops the loop
    else if (numberInput === '') { 
        document.querySelector('.checkmark').style.display = "none"; 
        break; // You should exit here too
    else {
        document.querySelector('.crossmark').style.display = "block";

An alternative approach could be to avoid using a for loop altogether and use the 'contains' function to check if the array contains the input. It can be done like this:

if (numberInput === '') {
    document.querySelector('.checkmark').style.display = "none"; 
else if (data.number.contains(numberInput)) {
    document.querySelector('.checkmark').style.display = "none"; 
else {
    document.querySelector('.crossmark').style.display = "block";

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