Should we make it a routine to include shared sass variables in each vue component for better practice?

Within my Vue application, there are numerous components that rely on shared variables like colors. I'm considering having each component import a global "variables.scss" file. Would this approach have any adverse effects?

Answer №1

It is generally recommended to clearly define dependencies rather than relying on mysterious behavior.

For our specific situation, explicit dependency management is crucial as we are developing a large-scale application. When transferring components to different projects or repositories, having explicit imports for SCSS variable files eliminates the need to hunt down hidden variables. Additionally, issues can arise when some SCSS files are external and loaded from node_modules directories. For instance, another component could unintentionally override the value of a variable. By explicitly declaring variables, conflicts like these are minimized.

However, in smaller projects with fewer team members, implicit imports might be more advantageous.

Ultimately, there is no definitive right or wrong approach to this issue. It's important to choose either explicit or implicit imports, but not both simultaneously.

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