Should the element be scrolled beyond a fixed-positioned element

Is there a way to determine if an element is scrolled behind another element that is fixed at the top?

I am looking to trigger some javascript when an element is positioned below a fixed element and every height or scrollTop thereafter.

I am attempting to create a sticky header, but simply using fixed positioning based on scrollTop is not sufficient. This is because the element I want to make sticky gets pushed down as the viewport size changes, requiring a different scrollTop value to fix the element in place.

This has led me to consider the possibility of fixing/stickying the element only when it is underneath another element that is already fixed at the top.

So far, I have experimented with: position:sticky; along with its necessary vendor prefixes, along with trying out these two polyfills:

Answer №1

If you're looking for a solution to handle sticky elements on your website, Sticky Kit seems like the perfect tool for the job. You can check it out here:

One of the key features is the ability to trigger an event to recalculate the sticky positions when your content changes.

For instance:

$(window).on('resize', function(){


I took a quick look at your website.

In order for this functionality to work correctly, you'll need to move your #filter and #main elements to a shared parent under <body> (not direct children of <body>):

        <section id="filter">
        <main id="main">

Then, in your main.js file, remove the entire $(window).scroll() handler as it's unnecessary. Let sticky-kit handle the calculations for the element's position:

// Removed $(window).scroll(...)

$(window).on('resize', function(){

Lastly, make sure to trigger the 'sticky_kit:recalc' event after any animations or effects such as slideToggle have completed. This will ensure that the fixed elements are positioned correctly. Failure to do so may result in strange behavior from the stickied element.

Best of luck with implementing this on your site!

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