Shade of text box background

After clicking the submit button, I want the background color in the text-box to remain visible for at least 5 seconds.

However, it disappears immediately upon submitting.

Here is the code snippet...

<title>Text Boxes With Aplhabets </title>
<body>`enter code here`

<script type="text/javascript">

function AllowAlphabets(){
               if (!frm.alphabets.value.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+$/) )

                    //alert("Please Enter only alphabets");


<form name="frm"   onsubmit="return AllowAlphabets()">
Enter Aplhabets: <input type="text" name="alphabets" />
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit">

Answer №1

utilize the setTimeout() method

for example :

setTimeout(myFunction, 2000);


setTimeout(function () {

//your code goes here
}, 2000);

source : MDN

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