Setting up a custom PrimeNG theme to match our unique style is a great way to

I am currently using the most recent version of

"primeng": "^12.2.0",
and I am looking to implement my own custom theme for primeng. Despite searching through numerous blogs, I have yet to find a solution.

In an attempt to create my custom theme, I duplicated the theme.css file from

, created a new folder in my source directory, and imported my newly created theme into the angular.json file. However, the original theme.css file contains over 6000 lines of CSS code, with no reference to variables. This means that each CSS class has hardcoded color codes, making it difficult to modify specific colors such as the primary color without changing multiple instances.

Is there a more effective way to customize the primary color, secondary color, and other aspects of the primeng theme?

Answer №1

From my understanding of your situation, you are looking to simplify your CSS variables.

It seems that this has intentionally been made complex in order to push users towards purchasing pre-made themes or a theme generator.

Natively, there is no straightforward solution. You can either spend time searching through code with CTRL + F or opt to purchase a license.

In our team, we chose the path of least resistance. Ultimately, investing in a ready-made theme or designer may be more efficient than struggling through the process.

Check out our store for options

Explore licensing our theme designer

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