Setting the overflow-y property to hidden on an element prevents the scroll reveal animation from activating

Currently, I have implemented scrollreveal.min.js on my WordPress website.

Although Scroll reveal is functioning properly, I encountered an issue when trying to hide the vertical scroll bar that appears during animation for a specific section using


While this did successfully hide the scroll bar for the element, it unfortunately caused the animation on scroll to stop working for each item.

Additionally, I have a question about hiding the overflow vertically - I noticed that in order for overflow-y:hidden; to take effect, I had to comment out overflow:auto; Is there a way for these two to work together seamlessly?

Answer №1

When using overflow-y:hidden, it essentially clips the content without providing any scrolling mechanism, according to W3 schools. This results in the inability to scroll further, similar to how an image is cropped and you cannot view the entire image. To address this issue, you may want to consider implementing a solution like the one described here: Hide scroll bar, but still enable scrolling

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