Setting the color of an element using CSS based on another element's style

I currently have several html elements embedded within my webpage, such as:

<section id="top-bar">
  <!-- html content -->

<section id="header">
  <!-- html content -->

<div id="left">
  <!-- html content -->

<section id="footer">
  <!-- html content -->

The style attributes for these sections, such as background-color and text-color, are predetermined in the Joomla 3.x Template settings under 'Brand Color' - view the image provided below.

When I choose Preset 1, the corresponding preset1.css is loaded on the front end of the website. The same goes for selecting Preset 2, which then loads preset2.css, and so forth.

However, a dilemma arises with other custom elements present on the page (e.g. <div id="left"> in the aforementioned code). These elements do not adhere to the template settings and require manual configuration in a separate custom.css file. This method works but necessitates changing the custom.css file every time the 'Brand Color' is modified.

Essentially, I am seeking a solution where my custom elements automatically inherit the specified 'Brand Colors' from the template configuration without constant updates to the custom.css file.

In essence, the background-color and text-color for <div id="left"> should mirror those of <section id="top-bar">.

Is there a way to dynamically assign CSS properties using JavaScript or a similar approach?

Thank you.

Answer №1

You can utilize JavaScript to access the background-color of the #top_bar element and apply that color as the background for other desired elements, such as its siblings. The same principle applies for text-color.

var top_bar = $('#top-bar')
var bg = top_bar.css('background-color')
var color = top_bar.css('color')

  backgroundColor: bg,
  color: color
section, div {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  display: inline-block;
#top-bar {
  background: #22B8F0;
  color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<section id="top-bar">
<section id="header">
<div id="left">
<section id="footer">

Answer №2

To simplify your styling process, add a unique class to the parent element (e.g., body element) and designate different classes to its children like .preset1 #left. This way, modifying just one class will not affect other elements, ensuring hassle-free synchronization.

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