Setting the color for the :hover and :active states on a react JSX component: A step-by-step guide

   style={{ backgroundColor: `${selectedColor}` }}
   className="hover text-white px-3 py-1 flex justify-center items-center gap-2 text- rounded-md"
   > Convert
   <FontAwesomeIcon className='text-white' icon={faArrowRight} />

In my Redux store, I have set up to fetch the color dynamically and apply it. Currently, I can only apply the main color but am unable to implement UX improvement features like button click and hover effects.

The challenge here is to achieve this dynamically.

Another problem I noticed is:

  const colorOptions = ["#C53030", "#2F855A", "#1E40AF", "#6B46C1", "#D97706", "#B83280",];
  const colors = [
    { hover: "#dc2626", main: "#b91c1c", active: "#991b1b" }, // red
    { hover: "#16a34a", main: "#15803d", active: "#166534" }, // green
    { hover: "#2563eb", main: "#1d4ed8", active: "#1e40af" }, // blue
    { hover: "#9333ea", main: "#7e22ce", active: "#6b21a8" }, // purple
    { hover: "#ea580c", main: "#c2410c", active: "#9a3412" }, // orange
    { hover: "#e11d48", main: "#be123c", active: "#9f1239" }, // rose
  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-5 sm:gap-2 rounded-md bg-white p-5 sm:p-2 w-max mx-auto">
      {, index) => {
        const c = "blue";
        const backgroundColor = `bg-[blue]`; // works fine with string values
        // const backgroundColor = `bg-[blue]`; // Works fine as template literal
        // const backgroundColor = `bg-[${c}]`; // but doesn't work if we try to modify the string
        return (
            // style={{ backgroundColor: color }}
             className={`h-12 w-12 sm:h-6 sm:w-6 rounded-full ${backgroundColor}`}
            onClick={() => handleColorChange(color)}


I discovered that dynamically changing Tailwind CSS class values is not possible. Predefined values like bg-[#fff] work, but for other properties like text and borders, a more flexible approach is needed.

colors = [
   {backgroundHover: "bg-red-600", backgroundColor : "bg-red-700", backgroundAction : "bg-red-800", textColor : "text-red-700", borderColor : "border-red-700"},
{backgroundHover: "bg-green-600", backgroundColor : "bg-green-700", backgroundAction : "bg-green-800", textColor : "text-green-700", borderColor : "border-green-700"},
{backgroundHover: "bg-blue-600", backgroundColor : "bg-blue-700", backgroundAction : "bg-blue-800", textColor : "text-blue-700", borderColor : "border-blue-700"},
{backgroundHover: "bg-orange-600", backgroundColor : "bg-orange-700", backgroundAction : "bg-orange-800", textColor : "text-orange-700", borderColor : "border-orange-700"},

This hardcodes the implementation, making it less programmatic.

My expectations are:

  1. I want to dynamically change the hover and active colors of a button, in addition to setting text and border colors dynamically.
  2. While this is achievable through Tailwind CSS using a more manual approach, how can we accomplish this with normal CSS?

Answer №1

If you want to incorporate dynamic colors with Tailwind variants, one option is to set CSS variables on the element:

{, index) => {
      '--main': color.main,
      '--hover': color.hover,
    className="… bg-[--main] hover:bg-[--hover] active:bg-[--active]`}

To expand this concept to text and border colors, you could do something like this:

text-[color:--main] border-[color:--main]

I have utilized the CSS variable shortcut syntax introduced in Tailwind v3.3. For versions of Tailwind prior to 3.3, you would need to include the var() function, such as bg-[var(--main)].

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