setTimeout does not include the function showBox

Whenever I use console.log(this.showBox) inside the setTimeout() function, it unexpectedly returns undefined instead of false. Could someone please explain if the setTimeout() affects the accessibility of this.keyword? Thank you!

import Block from "./components/Block.vue"
export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      isPlaying: false,
      delay: null,
      timer: null,
      reactionTime: 0,

  methods: {
    startGame() {
      this.isPlaying = true;
      //this.delay = 2000 + Math.floor(Math.random(1,4000) * 4000)
      this.delay = 1000

      setTimeout(function() {
      }, this.delay);

Answer №1

Despite the existence of a definitive answer, I feel compelled to jot down my own thoughts on the matter. It is worth noting that setTimeout & setInterval each establish their own context, rendering the variable this unachievable within those contexts.

Answer №2

Using arrow function is effective, but there are alternative methods you can explore to solve this issue. Consider looking into the call, bind and apply techniques.

To tackle your problem, utilizing the bind method is one approach.
Keep in mind that bind creates a new function and establishes this as the specified value. Check out: MDN bind() method documentation for more details.

setTimeout(function() {
}.bind(this), this.delay);

Answer №3

If you utilize this code within a setTimeout function, it will establish its own unique context leading to undefined results. To maintain the same context, consider using an arrow function.

setTimeout(() => {
      }, this.delay);

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