Sets a minimum width for a Bootstrap panel

I have a panel panel-default on my page to display some data. I want the panel's min-width to be 720px, and if the window is resized to less than 720px, I want a horizontal scrollbar to appear. However, the panel cannot shrink below 720px similar to using table-responsive with tables. This is how I achieve it with tables:

<div class="example-table table-responsive">
    <table id="example-table" class="table table-hover">

    max-width: 720px;
    min-width: 720px;

When I tried applying the rule .panel{min-widht:720px;}, it didn't work.

How can I achieve the same effect with my panel?

EDIT: After testing this on jsfiddle, I found that even when I set min-width: 760px, the content in the panel-body (two col-sm-6) creates two rows instead of staying as two columns. Initially, I thought this was due to min-width, but now I'm unsure why this happens even with the horizontal scrollbar present.

Answer №1

In response to your revised question, it seems that you would like your columns to stay in line regardless of the screen width. To achieve this, you can simply switch from using col-sm-6 to col-xs-6. Here is an example:

<div class="col-xs-6">
    <strong>Content goes here</strong>
<div class="col-xs-6">
    <strong>More content here</strong>

Check out the jsFiddle for a live example:

Answer №2

Implementing media-queries can be done in the following way:

@media (min-width: 720px) {
    .example-table {
        <!-- Add your custom css styles here -->


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