Set the style to be displayed as a block element

I am working on a Rails application that contains some <li> elements with the CSS property display: none;. I want these elements to only appear on the page when they are being dragged. However, there are some elements that do not have the display: none; style. How can I achieve this?

Below is the HTML code snippet :

<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-lg-3">
    <li id="< %>"  <% if video_upload.invisible == true %> <%= "style=display:none;" %> <%end%>   >
        <% if mobile? %>
            <a href="<%= showvideo_path( %>">
                <div style="background-color: white">
                    <%= image_tag("/images/upload_images/"+"#{video_upload.imagename}", height: '130', width: '200') %>
        <% else %>
            <div style="background-color: white">
              <img src="<%= '/images/upload_images/'+"#{video_upload.imagename}" %>" class="img-responsive" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="popVideo('<%=[/([^\/]+)$/] %>');" >
        <% end %>

        <span style="float: left">
            <%= File.basename(video_upload.imagename, '.*') %>

        <span style="float: right">
            <%= link_to '', edit_video_uploads_path(video_upload), {class: 'btn btn-primary  glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', :style => 'color: white'} %>

            <%= button_tag(:del_flag => 'button', :id => ,:class => 'btn btn-danger user-approve-btn glyphicon glyphicon-trash') do
            end %>

I am utilizing this JavaScript library for drag and drop.

Answer №1

Drag and display your <li> items when dragging, then hide them once the drag is complete:

document.querySelectorAll('li').forEach(item => {
   // Show item on drag
   item.addEventListener('dragstart', event => { = 'block';

   // Hide item after drag
   item.addEventListener('dragleave', event => { = 'none';

This code utilizes HTML5 native drag and drop functionality as explained in this tutorial. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.


If you only want to select one specific element, add an id="myElement" to that element and access it like this:

let myItem = document.querySelector('#myElement');

myItem.addEventListener('dragstart', event => { = 'block';
myItem.addEventListener('dragleave', event => { = 'none';

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