Set iframe or form to be in a fixed position

Having issues with my site where an iframe is contained within a div.

When only one character is entered in the telephone box, validation fails and red warning text is displayed.

Furthermore, after clicking in the email box and pressing tab twice, the form shifts to the left on the second tab press, causing the question text to go out of view.

Is there a way to fix the horizontal position of the form so it remains static?

IFrame snippet:

<div style="border: 0px solid #a1a1a1; width: 450px; border-radius: 25px; background: #83aeff; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<iframe style="overflow: hidden;" src="" width="490px" height="330px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">

Access the URL here:

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is that the width of the iframe you have selected is too small, possibly due to the Industry select box. To fix this, simply increase the width of both the div and the iframe, and the shifting problem will go away.

<div style="border: 0px solid #a1a1a1; width:540px; border-radius: 25px; background: #83aeff; overflow: hidden;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<iframe style="overflow: hidden;" src="" width="500px" height="330px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">

Check out this Fiddle for reference


If you want to dynamically adjust the height of the iframe, you can use a helpful jquery library. Simply upload the

script to your server and include it in the iframe page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js"></script>

Next, upload the iframeResizer.min.js, include it in the page with the div containing the iframe, and call the appropriate function to resize the iframe:

<script type="text/javascript" src="iframeResizer.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">iFrameResize();</script>

By following these steps, your issue should be resolved. For more information, refer to the GitHub page provided above.

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