Set Divs in Absolute Position Relative to Each Other

I need to create a simple navigation system using <div> elements as individual pages. The goal is to have "next" and "back" buttons that allow users to switch between these pages with a smooth fade-in and fade-out effect, all powered by jQuery. However, styling the divs with position:absolute causes them to overlay other elements on the page, which isn't ideal.

Is there a way to make these <div> elements appear stacked on top of each other without interfering with the layout of surrounding content? I've tried containing them within a relative position element, but this approach led to overflow issues.


For reference, here is a basic fiddle showcasing my current implementation:

Apologies for any confusion between $ and jQuery. I've been experimenting with jQuery extensively since implementing jQuery.noConflict().

Answer №1

If your pages, referred to as such, are set dimensions in terms of width and height, then you have the option to designate their container as position:relative while ensuring it also matches the same width and height of the pages.

   width:500px; /*total width of a page, including padding and borders*/
   height:400px; /*total height of a page, including padding and borders*/

This will enable the container element to properly handle the arrangement of other elements within it.

Your updated corrected fiddle can be found here:

(be sure to factor in paddings and borders when specifying the width/height of the container)
Also note that instead of targeting the container using .pagecontainer, you should use #pagecontainer (since an id was utilized)

Update (response to comment regarding variable heights..)

If the height of your pages is not fixed, utilizing jQuery to dynamically resize the container is necessary.

A complete demo can be accessed here:

Answer №2

It's not possible to position the divs absolutely in relation to each other, but they can be positioned absolutely in relation to an outer div. The container holding the page divs needs to have position: relative to contain the inner page divs that are absolutely positioned.

If there is unwanted overlap, you can use overflow: hidden or overflow: auto on the outer div to hide it, depending on whether or not you want scrolling. Make sure to provide a height and width when using the overflow property for the browser to know where the overflow should occur.

$(".next").click(function() {
    var page = $(this).parent().next();
$(".back").click(function() {
    var page = $(this).parent().next();

function resizeContainer(page){
    // get height of next page
    var newPageHeight = $(page).height();
    // add padding and border
    newPageHeight = newPageHeight + 14;

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