Separating Main Page Content from Sidebar for Independent Scrolling

In the layout of our website, there is a narrow column on the left containing menu options, while the right side is occupied by the main page content. The challenge I am facing is figuring out how to ensure that the page content can scroll independently from the left column. One option would be to create a scrollable div for the main content, but this would require maintaining the height exactly equal to the browser window's height in order to prevent the appearance of the browser's main scrollbar. Any resizing using JavaScript might result in a lag as the window adjusts size, which could detract from the overall user experience. I am open to suggestions on a better way to structure the page so that the left column remains fixed as the main content scrolls. Additionally, if the left column becomes too long, it may also need to be scrollable. The desired layout can be viewed in the image at Page Layout It illustrates the goal of having the main content scroll independently from the sidebar or header. Simply making it a scrollable <div> could lead to multiple adjacent scrollbars (one for the scrollable <div> and another for the main browser window) which is not ideal.

Answer №1

To create a fixed left column that remains in place while the rest of the page scrolls, you can set its position to fixed. Here's an example:

.left-column {
  position: fixed;

You can see a demonstration here:

If you want the left column to scroll independently within itself, you can achieve this by positioning it from the bottom as well:

.left-column {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  overflow: scroll;

Check out the demo for this scrolling behavior here:

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