Below Mask image has 3 parts:
- Outside Non-Transparent Part
- Border
- Inside Transparent part
Currently, when a user clicks on the Transparent or Non-Transparent part, they are allowed to upload an image.
When a user clicks on the Non-Transparent part, the dialogue box should not display for uploading an image.
var mask; let jsonData = { "path": " love shape\/", "info": { "author": "", "keywords": "", "file": "love shape", "date": "sRGB", "title": "", "description": "Normal", "generator": "Export Kit v1.2.8" }, "name": "love shape", "layers": [{ "x": 1, "height": 613, "layers": [{ "x": 1, "color": "0xFFFFFF", "height": 612, "y": 30, "width": 612, "shapeType": "rectangle", "type": "shape", "name": "bg_rectangle_1" }, { "x": 40, "height": 480, "layers": [{ "x": 10, "height": 480, "src": "ncdHNan.png", "y": 10, "width": 514, "type": "image", "name": "mask_image_1" }, { "radius": "27 \/ 27", "color": "0xACACAC", "x": 233, "y": 205, "height": 53, "width": 53, "shapeType": "ellipse", "type": "shape", "name": "useradd_ellipse1" } ], "y": 1, "width": 514, "type": "group", "name": "user_image_1" } ], "y": 1, "width": 614, "type": "group", "name": "loveshape_18" }] }; $(document).ready(function() { $('.container').click(function(e) { setTimeout(() => { $('#fileup').click(); }, 20) }); function getAllSrc(layers) { let arr = []; layers.forEach(layer => { if (layer.src) { arr.push({ src: layer.src, x: layer.x, y: layer.y }); } else if (layer.layers) { let newArr = getAllSrc(layer.layers); if (newArr.length > 0) { newArr.forEach(({ src, x, y }) => { arr.push({ src, x: (layer.x + x), y: (layer.y + y) }); }); } } }); return arr; } function json(data) { var width = 0; var height = 0; let arr = getAllSrc(data.layers); let layer1 = data.layers; width = layer1[0].width; height = layer1[0].height; for (let { src, x, y } of arr) { $(".container").css('width', width + "px").css('height', height + "px").addClass('temp'); var mask = $(".container").mask({ maskImageUrl: '' + src, onMaskImageCreate: function(img) { img.css({ "position": "absolute", "left": x + "px", "top": y + "px" }); } }); fileup.onchange = function() { mask.loadImage(URL.createObjectURL(fileup.files[0])); }; } } json(jsonData); });