Select elements that do not have a specific parent class using LESS

I have created an HTML structure as outlined below:

<ul class="list list--sm">
    <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
        List item 1
              <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
                  List item 1.1
                      <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
                           List item 1.1.1

In this scenario, my goal is to target elements with the class list__item--draggable that do not have a parent or grandparent with the same class, specifically referring to the element displaying "List item 1". I intend to accomplish this using LESS without utilizing the > selector due to potential complexities in nested structures with additional divs and elements.

I am currently struggling to devise a solution for this dilemma. Is there a way to achieve this task?

Answer №1

With just CSS, you can achieve this:

.list__item--draggable:not(.list__item--draggable *) {}

Give it a shot:

.list__item--draggable {
  outline: 1px solid black;

.list__item--draggable:not(.list__item--draggable *) {
  outline: 1px solid red;
<ul class="list list--sm">
  <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
    List item 1
      <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
        List item 1.1
          <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
            List item 1.1.1

Answer №2

If you're looking to restyle the children in a specific way, here's a straightforward CSS example that focuses on highlighting only the first text:

.list__item--draggable {
  background: yellow;

ul ul,
ul ul .list__item--draggable {
  background: white;
<ul class="list list--sm">
  <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
    List item 1
      <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
        List item 1.1
          <li class="list__item list__item--draggable">
            List item 1.1.1

In essence, we modify all occurrences and then revert those that are child elements.

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