Seems strange... why won't the iframe load until it's interacted with?

I've created a unique HTML/CSS marquee that pulls overlays from a website through iframes and scrolls through them. However, I'm experiencing some strange behavior on the page.

Upon initial page load and passive viewing, only the first overlay is displayed. It scrolls in as expected, exits, and then there's nothing until the animation cycles back - showing the first overlay again.

However, if I interact with the page by clicking/moving the mouse within it, each iframe loads sequentially, with each one scrolling in and out as intended.

If I interact briefly and then stop, the original issue resurfaces, but this time the last loaded iframe is the one that repeats instead of the initial one.

"Interacting" refers to having the page focused and engaging with any clickable or hoverable elements on the page.

Below is the code snippet. Please disregard the "display" statements in the animations which were added for experimentation purposes.

        // CSS animations for displaying iframes and scrolling effects

<div class="marquee">
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>
        <iframe class="marquee" src=""></iframe>

Answer №1

The issue appears to be stemming from the browser's attempts at being overly sophisticated....

The problem arises due to having a translate(100%) on the iframes in conjunction with overflow hidden on the parent element.

If you eliminate either of these configurations, everything functions as intended. In other words, the iframes will begin to display after a brief delay and seamlessly move within and outside the visible parent container.

When both settings are active, it seems as though the system has decided 'that iframe is not visible so I won't interact with it' and fails to acknowledge that the subsequent transformation should render it visible.

As for why a mouse action triggers this change? The exact mechanism behind a browser's decision to repaint is unknown to me, but it does seem like that's what occurs. A mouse event prompts a reflow, prompting the system to recognize an iframe's visibility and reveal it. Hopefully, someone well-versed in browser intricacies can offer a clearer explanation.

In any case, a remedy for this problem would involve removing the transform: translateX(100%) property from the iframes. The system then appears to realize the iframe's visibility.

        @keyframes mq1 {
            0%  { display: show; }
            0%  { transform:translateX(100%);   }
            1%  { transform:translateX(0);      }
            9%  { transform:translateX(0);      }
            10% { transform:translateX(-100%);  }
            10% { display: hidden; }
            100%    { transform:translateX(-100%);  }

        @keyframes mq2 {
            /* Additional keyframes declarations */

        /* Styles for marquee and iframe elements */

<div class="marquee">
    /* Iframe elements with associated src attributes */

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