Seeking ways to ensure my component maximizes available space using Tailwind CSS

I am currently utilizing Tailwind CSS to style a Angular application. The setup is fairly straightforward: app.component.html is responsible for displaying a navigation bar and footer, while the components are shown in the remaining space with an overflow-y.

However, I am encountering an issue where my component is not taking up all the available remaining space despite using w-full or flex-grow.

This is what my app.component.html looks like:

<div class="flex flex-col h-screen w-screen">
    <div class="flex flex-grow overflow-y-auto mx-6 mt-6 bg-red-700">

And here's a snippet from collection.component.html:

<div class="flex h-full w-full bg-amber-400">
  <form [formGroup]="searchForm" *ngIf="(currentBreakpoint$ | async) === Breakpoints.XSmall">
    <mat-form-field appearance="outline" class="">
      <input matInput placeholder="" [value]="" formControlName="name">
  <button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="search()" [disabled]="searchForm.invalid">Rechercher</button>

The section highlighted in yellow denotes the collection.component.html, which should occupy all the available width. If this issue stems from undefined parent width, I'm uncertain how to address it since I cannot access the tag <collection.component />.

UPDATE: While using w-[calc(100vw-48px)] (100% of viewport width minus some margins) instead of w-full resolves the problem, I want to avoid relying on such calculations, as margin values may change with media queries.

Answer №1

If you wrap your app's router-outlet in the following code with flex, adding w-full will resolve the issue.

Rather than:

<div class="flex flex-grow overflow-y-auto mx-6 mt-6 bg-red-700">

Use this instead:

<div class="flex flex-grow overflow-y-auto mx-6 mt-6 bg-red-700 w-full">

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