Seeking a light-weight, text-rich editor specifically designed for use on our enterprise website. This editor should be even lighter than TinyMCE

I am in search of a lightweight text editor for an enterprise website, lighter than tinymce with basic buttons for the comment form. It is imperative that the editor also functions properly in IE6. So far, I have tried cleditor 15KB, but it has an issue in IE when the 'enter' key is pressed.

  1. cleditor has a problem - (Jquery-Rich Text Editor) How can be fixed bug in rich text editor - when press enter in firefox created 'br' tag but in IE created 'p' tag?

  2. YUI Editor 76kb - I still prefer something lighter like cleditor 15kb and using jQuery instead of YUI 2 framework.

  3. HtmlBox editor - only for personal use according to the license and also has some bugs in the simple demo.

  4. markitUp editor - does not display results, only in another window.

  5. tinymce/ckeditor - not lightweight editors

  6. jHtmlArea - does not support IE6

  7. jwysiwyg - still in beta version, not tested on IE6?

Update: I already use jQuery.

If you have any good suggestions, please feel free to share. Thank you, Yosef

Answer №1

A compact jQuery rich text editor that functions in various browsers, including older versions like IE6 (although not tested on IE9):

Click here to access the editor

Answer №2

If you're open to using the Mootools framework, Mooeditable might be a great option for you. It's a user-friendly WYSIWYG editor designed with MooTools and is compatible with A-Grade Browsers under the MIT license. Check out Mooeditable for more details. When it comes to file size, you have the flexibility to customize your own version by visiting the builder and selecting only the components that you require. Hopefully, this information proves helpful to you.

Answer №3

Have you considered utilizing CKEditor? They offer flexible Open Source and commercial licenses.

Their website highlights the ability to seamlessly integrate and use CKEditor in any type of application, making it a valuable tool for developers seeking user-friendly solutions.

The license cost for a single website is approximately $400. Given that this is for an enterprise website, perhaps the cost is not a major concern.

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