Scroll effect for read-only text input with long content inside a div

Is there a way to replicate the scroll functionality of a text input with readonly="readonly"? When the text exceeds the box size, you can highlight and scroll to view it all without a visible scrollbar.

I am interested in achieving this effect within a paragraph or heading inside a div. Is there a method to accomplish this, or should I simply use a text input with readonly="readonly" and adjust its style to resemble my heading?

Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve this, all you need is an additional container and just a little bit of JavaScript.

Simply wrap the element you want to scroll without showing any scrollbars in a container div. Use JavaScript to calculate the scrollHeight (height excluding scrollbars) of your element, and then set it as the height of your container.

Take a look at this working example:

Alternatively, styling a readonly input to resemble a heading could be a simpler and JavaScript-free solution, as you suggested. The choice is yours.

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