Safari Glitch in Bootstrap 4

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<html xmlns="">

<title>Testing Bootstrap Bug</title>
<!-- Bootstrap V4 -->
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    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                <img class="img-fluid" src="" />                    
            <div class="col-sm-6">
                <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla fermentum felis sit amet augue luctus, at dignissim purus tristique. Etiam elit eros, varius ac tincidunt at, condimentum at felis. Integer eget ullamcorper ligula, ut finibus quam. Nunc tempor, enim id ultricies fringilla, ante risus venenatis ipsum, in euismod purus quam imperdiet libero. Ut diam lacus, tincidunt egestas tristique at, blandit quis est. Aenean bibendum sagittis ligula, sit amet mollis nisi iaculis at. Aenean blandit, mauris ac fermentum malesuada, massa arcu scelerisque arcu, quis molestie diam purus ut dolor.</p>
                <p>Praesent egestas placerat dui, ac mollis dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi sapien risus, consequat id tincidunt quis, lobortis a tortor. Morbi hendrerit tristique tempor. Vestibulum ultrices mauris magna, ac auctor lectus iaculis a. Aenean porta, nisi sit amet pellentesque fermentum, nibh ante molestie neque, non dictum ante justo sit amet dolor. Nunc scelerisque fringilla elit vitae tincidunt. Vivamus nec ex at enim aliquam tristique a in ipsum. Etiam bibendum mauris id scelerisque consequat. Donec nec orci leo. Nam ultricies condimentum porta. Mauris nunc nunc, ultricies in consequat sit amet, tristique ac lacus.</p>

I've double-checked the code structure but for some reason, the two col-sm-6 columns are not aligning properly on Safari (5.1.7)

Answer №1

This issue is not a bug as Bootstrap 4 does not support the version of Safari you are using (5.1.7, Windows).

Support for that specific version of Safari ended in 2012 when Apple discontinued development of Safari for Windows and released Safari 6.0.

Answer №2

Bootstrap does not support Safari 5.1.7.

This particular version of the browser does not fully support flexbox, requiring the use of the -webkit prefix, and lacks wrapping functionality. One workaround is to compile with a broader Autoprefixer scope that includes -webkit- prefixes, or manually add them yourself.

.row {
  display: -webkit-flex; 

If no other issues arise, this approach may work. However, due to the lack of support for flex: wrap, each row will need its own container.

P.S. Unless a significant portion of your audience still uses this specific browser, it may be best to prioritize other development considerations. It's likely that usage of Safari 5.1.7 is minimal.

Answer №3

After conducting some research online, I was able to find a solution.

It seems that Bootstrap 4 utilizes the flexbox property, but upon inspecting the values of the :before and :after pseudo CSS elements, I noticed they were set as table.

To correct this issue, simply update it to use flexbox

 .dl-horizontal dd:before, 
 .dl-horizontal dd:after, 
      display: flex;

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