Ryan Fait's Code for Creating a Responsive Sticky Footer Height

There are quite a few queries regarding Ryan Fait's sticky footer, but I urge you not to dismiss this one immediately! My goal is to have a footer with a dynamically sized height that sticks to the bottom of the page.

Ryan Fait suggests wrapping all page content in #wrapper and setting the margin-bottom of #wrapper to match the height of the footer. While this technique works when the height is hardcoded in the CSS, I am unsure of the exact size of my footer. Therefore, I aim to use JavaScript to set #wrapper's margin-bottom. However, my attempts so far have been unsuccessful. You can view my setup here.

I have spent so much time on this puzzle that I'm running out of hair to pull. Can you spot where I might be going wrong?

The Code on JSFiddle


    <div id="wrapper">
    </div> <!-- #wrapper -->



* {
    margin: 0;
html, body {
    height: 100%;
#wrapper {
    min-height: 100%;
    height: auto !important;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto; /* Negative margin set with JS */
footer {
    height: 100px;


$(window).load(function() {

function set_window_bottom_margin() {
    var margin = $('footer').outerHeight(true);

    $('.wrapper').css('margin-bottom', margin * -1 + 'px');

Answer №1

One way to achieve this effect is through CSS:

html, body {
body {
main, footer {
main {height:100%;background:red;}
footer {background:green;}
footer:hover br {display:none;}/* Additional styles for demo purposes */
    Main Content
    Footer Text<br/>
    Footer Text<br/>

Check out the DEMO here

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