Reverse the order of jQuery toggle animations

Looking for something specific:

How can I create a button that triggers a script and then, when the script is done, reverses the action (toggles)?

(I am currently learning javascript/jquery, so I am a beginner in this field)

Here's an example:


                            {height: '250px'}, 
                            function(){ $("#hidden_txt").fadeIn(1000); } );



<div style="background:#98bf21; height:100px; width:100px; position:absolute;">
    <span id="hidden_txt" style="display: none">Hey, just checking !</span>

I have solved it using CSS class toggle, but:

  • When closing, the CSS classes must be deactivated in reverse order, first fading out and then returning the div to 100px height
  • CSS transitions do not work in IE9 and IE8 :/

(jQuery 1.12.4)

Answer №1

Here is the recommended JavaScript code snippet:


    var clickCount = 0;

            if(clickCount == 0){

                    {height: '250px'},
                    function(){ $("#hidden_text").fadeIn(1000, function(){
                        clickCount = 1;

                    }); } );

            }else if(clickCount == 1){

                $("#hidden_text").fadeOut(1000, function(){

                        {height: '100px'},
                            clickCount = 0;




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