Retrieving the dimensions of a concealed element

I am facing a minor issue and I need some assistance in figuring out what I might be missing here.
Here is my html code:

<div class="drop-down-menu">
  <div class="innerdrop-down-menu">
    <div id="first-tab-cont">
      <ul id="slider">
       <a href="javascript:;" id="back">&lArr;</a>
       <a href="javascript:;" id="forward">&rArr;</a>

The CSS code:

.drop-down-menu{ display:none; position:relative; background-color:#FFFFFF; width:100%; height:280px; z-index:2; }
#first-tab-cont{ background-color:#CCC; display:none; width:960px; height:240px; padding:20px; }
#slider{ background-color:#C9F; position:relative; min-width:100%; width:auto; height:240px; font-family: HelveticaNeue; white-space:nowrap; }
#slider li{ background-color:#C03; display:inline-block; margin-right:15px; white-space:nowrap; width:300px; height:240px; }

And the current jQuery code is:

var Min = 0;
var Max = $("#fifth-tab-cont #slider").width();
var Step = 300;

$("#first-tab-cont #back").click(function(){
    if($("#first-tab-cont #slider").position().left <= Min + Step) {
        $("#first-tab-cont #slider").animate({left: '+=300px'}, Step );
$("#first-tab-cont #forward").click(function(){
    if($("#first-tab-cont #slider").position().left >= Max + Step) {
        $("#first-tab-cont #slider").animate({left: '-=300px'}, Step );

I'm trying to determine the size of the slider width in order to restrict scrolling only within its dimensions. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

After experimenting in a fiddle, I discovered a way to retrieve the width of a slider as a hidden element using a simple CSS property.


By setting visibility:hidden; instead of display:none;, jQuery is tricked into thinking the element is still there, allowing us to access its width.

I added an alert to display the width of the #slider - give it a try!

Answer №2

Try using the following code snippet:


Instead of setting display:none, try using width:0px in your CSS. This jQuery function will give you the real width of the element that is not hidden, as the DOM retains the scroll width information.

Answer №3

To determine the dimensions of an element that is hidden from view, try positioning the entire block outside of the screen. This method allows you to access the size of the element even if it's currently not visible.

One way to achieve this is by using the position:absolute property and placing the element away from the viewport.

Answer №4

To achieve this effect, one option is to have it initially visible with a transparent appearance using CSS (display: block and opacity: 0). Another approach could be to show the element, calculate its dimensions, and then hide it again.

var Min = 0,
    $dropDownMenu = $('.drop-down-menu').show(),
    $slider = $("#slider");
    Max = $slider.width(),
    Step = 300;


    if($slider.position().left <= Min + Step) {
        $slider.animate({left: '+=300px'}, Step );
    if($slider.position().left >= Max + Step) {
        $slider.animate({left: '-=300px'}, Step );

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