Retrieving the CSS property values for a specific element using Selenium

Imagine a scenario where I locate an element by its XPath using:

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("specific XPath"));

While I can retrieve the value of a single CSS property with

element.getCssValue("specific property")
, is there a way to obtain the values of all properties without specifying each one individually?

Answer №1


unfortunately, achieving this using the standard Selenium API is not feasible.

However, with the help of JavaScript:

You have the option to utilize JavaScript by leveraging Selenium's JavascriptExecutor.executeScript feature.

The required JavaScript code can be located here and here (as suggested by @Mahsum Akbas)

Below is the Java/Selenium code that will provide you with a string in the format of "css-attribute01:value01; css-attribute02:value02;".

Please note that this will retrieve ALL CSS attributes of the element.

WebElement we = driver.findElement(By.tagName("div"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
String script = "var s = '';" +
                "var o = getComputedStyle(arguments[0]);" +
                "for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){" +
                "s+=o[i] + ':' + o.getPropertyValue(o[i])+';';}" + 
                "return s;";

System.out.println(executor.executeScript(script, we));

You have the flexibility to modify the script based on your requirements. For instance, you could customize it to return only the values without the attributes. Feel free to make changes and experiment.


If you are solely interested in the inline styles of the element, you can utilize the "native" Selenium approach mentioned by @JeffC in the comments:



Keep in mind that this will only provide you with the "inline styles" and not all the CSS styles applied to the element. Running both versions sequentially and comparing the results will highlight the significant disparity.

Answer №2

Here is a Python implementation of the script above to extract all computed style properties:

import selenium
from pprint import pprint
#geckodriver must be present in the same directory as this script
driver = selenium.webdriver.Firefox()

#Identifying the element corresponding to the recent inbox messages icon
element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//a[@title="Recent inbox messages"]')

#Obtaining all the style properties for the element and storing them in a dictionary
styleprops_dict = driver.execute_script('var items = {};'+
                                   'var compsty = getComputedStyle(arguments[0]);'+
                                    'var len = compsty.length;'+
                                    'for (index = 0; index < len; index++)'+
                                    '{items [compsty[index]] = compsty.getPropertyValue(compsty[index])};'+
                                    'return items;', element)

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