Retrieve the accurate placeholder color using JavaScript

I modified the default placeholder color of my input to blue. How come I am seeing a black placeholder color when using JavaScript?

const fetchPlaceholderColor = () => {
  let inputElement = document.querySelector('.myClass');
  let inputElementStyle = window.getComputedStyle(inputElement, '::placeholder');
  let resultContainer = document.getElementById('colorOutput');
  let placeholderColor = inputElementStyle.getPropertyValue('color');
  resultContainer.innerHTML = `Placeholder color: ${placeholderColor}`;
.myClass::placeholder {
  color: #004085;

.marginTop20 {
  margin-top: 20px;
  placeholder="Enter name"

<button onClick="fetchPlaceholderColor()">Fetch placeholder color</button>

<div class="marginTop20" id="colorOutput"></div>

Answer №1

If you're interested in learning more about the topic, check out this resource:

Take a look at this CodePen example that demonstrates the use of :placeholder-shown and ::placeholder:

document.getElementById("myStyles").sheet.insertRule('.myClass:placeholder-shown { color: red; }');
document.getElementById("myStyles").sheet.insertRule('.myClass::placeholder { color: red; }');
const getPlaceholderColor = () => {
    let inputEl = document.querySelector('.myClass');
    let inputElStyle = window.getComputedStyle(inputEl, ':placeholder-shown');
    let resultTarget = document.getElementById('colorResult');
    let placeholderColor = inputElStyle.getPropertyValue('color');

    resultTarget.innerHTML = `Placeholder color: ${placeholderColor}`;

document.getElementById("myStyles").sheet.insertRule('.myClass:placeholder-shown { color: red; }');
document.getElementById("myStyles").sheet.insertRule('.myClass::placeholder { color: red; }');

var inputEl = document.querySelector('.myClass'); 
var placeholderColor = inputElStyle.getPropertyValue('color');
const getPlaceholderColor = () => {
    let inputElStyle = window.getComputedStyle(inputEl, ':placeholder-shown');
    let resultTarget = document.getElementById('colorResult');

    resultTarget.innerHTML = `Placeholder color: ${placeholderColor}`;

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