Restrict the number of times jQuery runs when hovering over an element

I recently developed a hover menu with CSS and jQuery to display sub-menus. However, I noticed that if the user hovers multiple times on the menu item, it behaves strangely. You can check out the menu in action at this URL: . Here's the jQuery code I used (inside document ready):

if ($(window).width()>991) //menu script for desktop or laptop
  $('#mob-main-menu >').hover(function(event){
  else // menu script for touch devices
  $('#mob-main-menu >').click(function(event){
    if ($(this).children('a').siblings('.sub-menu').css('display') == 'none')

I attempted to use setTimeout() function to resolve this issue but was unsuccessful. Is there a way to limit the code to execute no more than twice regardless of the number of hovers, and then reset after a certain period? Any other suggestions to improve its performance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Try incorporating the .stop() function when creating animations. This will clear the animation queue, ensuring that it runs smoothly.


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