Restoring a navigation bar to its original state once scrolling back to the top of the page

Currently, I am expanding my knowledge of javascript and jQuery. While working on a project website, I decided to enhance the navigation by making it smaller and transparent as users scroll through the page. This is the code snippet that I implemented:

  $('.nav').css({"opacity": "0.85", "height": "55px"});
  $('.nav-container').css({"margin-top": "-13px", "font-size": "1.4em"})

However, I would like the navigation to return to its original state once the user scrolls back to the top of the page. It seems that there isn't a specific jQuery event for this requirement.

Answer №1

Here is a custom solution that I recommend:

$(document).scroll(function () {
    // targeting the necessary elements:
    $('#nav, .nav-container')[
        // checking if the window is at the top and applying 'removeClass' or 'addClass' accordingly:
        $(window).scrollTop() == 0 ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'

Apply the following CSS styles:

.nav.scrolled {
    opacity: 0.85;
    height: 55px;

.nav-container.scrolled {
    margin-top: -13px;
    font-size: 1.4em;

Check out the JS Fiddle demo here.

This method also ensures valid HTML usage.

Source material for further reading:

Answer №2

Here is the updated jsfiddle code link

The modification was made to the .scroll() function:

$(document).scroll(function () {
var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
    if(scroll > 0){
    } else if(scroll == 0){

In addition, the following css was included:

.menu.scrolled {

.menu-bar.scrolled {

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