Responsive Design and Advertising with CSS Media Queries

For my application, I am utilizing Twitter's bootstrap (responsive) css. My goal is to incorporate banner ads in the sidebar section. However, due to different media query settings, the sidebar's width will vary, resulting in the need for the banner ad to adjust accordingly.

Do you have any recommendations on how I can swap out banner ads based on the active media query? While I understand that jQuery can be used to monitor changes in browser widths and facilitate this process, are there existing solutions available such as jQuery plugins that could simplify this task?

Answer №1

Twitter Bootstrap conveniently includes features for showing and hiding content based on the device size. It utilizes classes like .visible- and .hidden- in combination with phone, tablet, and desktop.

To display different versions of a banner, you can simply create multiple copies with specific classes:

<div class="ads">
    <img class="visible-phone" src="smallest.png"/>
    <img class="visible-tablet" src="medium.png"/>
    <img class="visible-desktop" src="large.png"/>

If you need to add custom CSS properties for specific media queries, you have the flexibility to do so. This is demonstrated in Bootstrap's implementation:

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {
  .visible-tablet {
    display: block;
  .visible-desktop {
    display: none;

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