Require an additional button to dynamically load more content and shift all existing elements further down the page

I am looking to implement a "load more" button for an Instagram feed on my website. My current approach involves increasing the height of a specific section while moving the rest of the page down. This is what I have tried:


        'minHeight' : "+= 50%"
    // All other elements being animated


Essentially, on button click, I want to increase the height of one section and move all other elements downwards by 50%. However, I believe there may be a more efficient way to achieve this as using JavaScript directly might not be the optimal solution.

Currently, I am encountering an error stating that the function is undefined. Any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

One solution could be to assign a common class to all the elements needing the same styling, like so:

<div class="box commonStyle"></div>
<div class="container commonStyle"></div>
<div class="wrapper commonStyle"></div>

And then in the JavaScript code:

    'left' : "+= 20px"

Another issue might be incorrect jQuery syntax. Make sure to use:

$(window).ready(function() {
    // Code here

Instead of:

$(window.ready(function() {
    // Incorrect code here

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