Requesting an image from the live website using a GET method

Recently, I registered a domain for my personal website. While the site is still a work in progress, I noticed that the logo image fails to display when viewed through the browser on the site. Surprisingly, it shows up perfectly fine when accessed via localhost and FTP image browser on DreamHost.

All my other images are visible without any issues, and they were all created and saved in the same way. I am perplexed by what could be causing this problem. It seems like the GET request for the image is not being successful. You can check out my site at:

Any ideas on what might be going wrong?

P.S. For best results, view the site using Chrome or Firefox as I haven't adjusted the CSS compatibility with Internet Explorer yet.

Answer №1

The server's filesystem does not support case insensitivity. The file you are requesting is ddlogo.png, while the actual filename is ddLogo.png.

Answer №2

Remember to always use the correct casing for file names in your HTML code. In this case, the image name should be "ddLogo.png" instead of "ddlogo.png". Once you make that correction, everything will work perfectly. Happy coding! ;)

Answer №3

After some troubleshooting, I discovered an interesting difference in file naming between my localhost XAMPP and DreamHost. It seems that XAMPP is not case sensitive with file names, whereas DreamHost is. Once I adjusted the href to match the exact file name on DreamHost, everything fell into place :)

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