Replace the image source with a list of images

I am looking to create a dynamic image list using either an array or an HTML list. When I hover over an image, it should change one by one with a fade or slide effect, and revert back to the default images when I hover out.

Question 1: What type of list should I use - an HTML list or an array?

Question 2: Is it correct to use a span element with data-src attribute to get the image URLs?

Click here to see the demo on CodePen


<div class="img-area">
 <img src="" alt="">
    <span data-src="">
    <span data-src="">

   <div class="img-area">
 <img src="" alt="">
     <span data-src="">

JavaScript code:

 $(".img-area img").hover(function(){

Answer №1

Rotate pictures at specific intervals

function rotateImage(img){
    // document.getElementById('bigImg').src=img;
    setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bigImg').src=img;},1250);

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