Removing the mouse from the element restores the previous background image of the div

I have some text here.

<div id="imagecontainer" class="header-image-container">&nbsp;</div>

The background image is specified in the CSS for each page based on the parent class.

.category-1 #imagecontainer {
background: url(_/images/1.jpg);

I also have a menu. I want to change the background image on mouseover, and revert back on mouseout to the image specified in the CSS for that specific page based on the parent class. I believe this can be achieved using JQuery. For instance, if we are on a category-3 page and hover over a category-1 menu item, we will see the category-1 background image in the #imagecontainer, and then when we move our mouse out, we will see the category-3 background image again.

Answer №1

Here is a solution that might work for you:

When the mouse enters the '#menu' element:
    - Change the background color of '#imagecontainer' to blue.
When the mouse leaves the '#menu' element:
    - Remove any inline styles applied to '#imagecontainer'.

You can test it out by visiting this link:

If there are additional styles applied directly to '#imagecontainer', they will also be removed when the mouse leaves. In such cases, you may need to follow the recommendations provided by mblase75 for a more tailored solution.

Answer №2

To preserve the current background image, store it as data before replacing it and then retrieve it when needed to restore it.

$('#imagecontainer').mouseover(function() {
    $(this).data('bgimg') = $(this).css('background-image');
}).mouseout(function() {
    $(this).css('background-image', $(this).data('bgimg'));

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