Removing multiple texts from a div using jQuery

In my search results, I found sentences with multiple words at the beginning that are concatenated.

<div itemprop="articleSection" class="entry-summary">
WHAT WE DOSource Integrate Support Manage Transform A metre-wide “lazy river” of cobblestones meanders through the clay-paved plaza fronting Australia’s newest international-standard swim centre.

I need to remove the phrase "WHAT WE DOSource Integrate Support Manage Transform" from the beginning of EVERY class="entry-summary" section.

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

Utilize this awesome jQuery snippet

Impressive jQuery Code

$('.blog-post').each(function() {
    var content = $(this).html();
    $(this).html(content.replace('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit', '')); 

Check Out the Live Demo Here

Answer №2

To update the text content, you can utilize the .text method:

$('.entry-summary').text(function(idx, val) {
  return val.replace(
    /^\s*OUR SERVICESource Integrate Support Manage Transform/,

Answer №3

To remove specific text from an HTML element, you can utilize the str_replace function.

var content = $(".entry-summary").html(); 
var result = content.replace("WHAT WE DOSource Integrate Support Manage Transform", "");

Answer №4

One potential solution is to simply divide it into sections:

$('.entry-summary:contains("Modify ")').text(function(_, txt){
    return txt.split('Transform ')[1];

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