Removing a function when changing screen size, specifically for responsive menus

$(document).ready(function () {
    // retrieve the width of the screen
    var screenWidth = 0;
    $(window).resize(function () {
        screenWidth = $(document).width();

        // if the document's width is less than 768 pixels

        if (screenWidth < 768) {
            // enable accordion feature
                heightStyle: false
        } else {
            // disable accordion feature when changing screen size

Answer №1

Give this a try.

$(document).ready(function () {
// check screen width
var Docwidth = 0;

$(window).resize(function () {

function testWindowWidth(){
     Docwidth = $(document).width();   

    //if document width is smaller than screen

    if (Docwidth < 768) {
        //activate accordion
            heightStyle: false

    } else {
        // deactivate function when screen size changes



You should place the '$(window).resize();' outside of the "$(document).ready();" section, as it will only run once within "ready".

I hope this information was useful.

Check out the Demo <- Don't forget to modify the innerWindow of the red block :)

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