Remove unordered list bullet points in an HTML email template

Currently, I am working on creating email templates to send via an Email client (using SendGrid). Through my research, I discovered that using standard HTML and CSS may not be the best approach due to Mail client preprocessors like Gmail and Outlook stripping most styles that are not inline. Despite this, I am still facing one challenge.

I have been unable to remove bullet points when using list-style-type: none both inline on the UL element and on each LI tag. Does anyone have experience with successfully removing bullet points from UL or LI elements in Email templates?

Answer №1

To hide the list items in Outlook, you can use a combination of list-style: none; and a conditional CSS fix to push them out of sight. Here's how:

Add this code snippet to your <head> section:

  <!--[if (gte mso 9)|(IE)]>
  <style type="text/css">
    li {
        text-indent: -3em;

Then, modify your list as follows:

<ul style="margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;">
  <li style="margin:0 0 16px 30px;padding:0;">content</li>
  <li style="margin:0 0 16px 30px;padding:0;">content</li>

Keep in mind that Outlook may not honor margins within <ul>, so it's recommended to reset margins and paddings and then only use margins (not padding) for <li> elements.

Answer №2

If you want to get rid of bullet points in a list, make sure to set list-style-type: none; for the li element.

To remove bullets from a UL, you can use either list-style: none; or list-style-type: none;. If those don't work, it might be due to conflicting CSS priorities. Try adding a specific class to the UL and apply your styles there. Hopefully, that will do the trick.

Answer №3

If you want to remove bullet points from lists, you can use list-style-type: none; for ol and ul tags. To make sure it is applied forcefully, you can add '!important' after the property.

For example: list-style-type: none !important;

Answer №4

If you're finding that the typical CSS isn't taking effect, one alternative option is to use a 1x1 transparent image as your list markers.

ul.a {
    list-style-image: url('');

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