Remove Labels Below Bars in jQuery Flot Charts

Take a look at the JSFiddle link

I am trying to eliminate the labels below the bars to get rid of the blank space between the chart and the end of the container. The height of the labels may vary, causing the gap to be bigger or smaller.

Using display:none on the .xAxis .tickLabel doesn't seem to resolve this issue. The problem arose after updating to the latest version of the jquery flot library.

Current incorrect display:

Desired correct display:

Answer №1

To remove tick labels from your x-axis and eliminate vertical grid lines, simply set the ticks property to an empty array:

    xaxis: {
        tickColor: "FFFFFF",
        ticks: []

Check out this example.

If you prefer to keep the vertical grid lines, you can use an array with empty strings for the tick labels instead:

    xaxis: {
        tickColor: "FFFFFF",
        ticks: [
            [1, ""],
            [2, ""],
            [3, ""],
            [4, ""],
            [5, ""]

View this demo if needed.

If you require the labels for other functionalities in your chart, store the array in a variable and access it as necessary.

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