relocating the title of a tooltip

Could someone please assist me with adjusting the position of the caption above the image in the provided jsfiddle? Currently, the caption is displaying below the image and I am unable to figure out how to move it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sample Code

<script type="text/javascript">
  $("ul.thumb li").hover(function() {
    .css('z-index', '10')
       marginTop: '-150px',
       marginLeft: '-150px',
       top: '50%',
       left: '50%',
       width: '300px',
       height: '300px',
       padding: '20px'

     }, 200, function() {

        var $this = $(this),
        h = $this.height();
        $caption = $('<div class="caption">' + this.title  + '</div>')
            .css('top', h.toString() + 'px');


   }, function() {

.css('z-index', '0')

    marginTop: '0',
    marginLeft: '0',
    top: '0',
    left: '0',
    width: '200px',
    height: '200px',
    padding: '5px'

 }, 400);

I appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Answer №1

Take a look at the updated FIDDLE for reference.

The crucial line to focus on is:

.css('top', -h.toString() + 'px');

This code snippet is responsible for positioning the div relative to the text. By adding a negative symbol before h.toString(), you can adjust the position above the image. For more precise adjustments, consider multiplying h.toString() by a coefficient like -.8 or -.92. Keep in mind that adjusting the position above the image may require fine-tuning based on the height of the text div.

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