Regular expression to match only alphanumeric characters without any numbers at the start or end

Creating a regex pattern that only matches letters and numbers, not allowing numbers at the beginning or end:

  • johnDoe123 is acceptable
  • 4janeDoe is not acceptable
  • johndoe5 is not acceptable
  • john_doe is not acceptable

Attempted solution:


Unfortunately, it did not produce the desired results.

Answer №1

If you are looking to match a single character as well:



  • ^ Represents the start of the string
  • [a-z] Matches a single character from a-z
  • (?![a-z\d]*\d$) Negative lookahead ensuring that the string does not end with a digit
  • [a-z\d]* Matches optional characters from a-z or digits
  • $ Denotes the end of the string

Take a look at the regex demo.

If your regex engine supports lookbehind assertions, you can use this pattern:



  • ^ Indicates the beginning of the string
  • [a-z] Matches a single character from a-z
  • [a-z\d]* Matches optional characters from a-z or digits
  • $ Denotes the end of the string
  • (?<!\d) Negative lookbehind asserting that there is no digit at the end of the string

Check out another example on regex101.

Answer №2

Here's a functioning example ^[a-z][a-z\d]*[a-z]$

const pattern = /^[a-z][a-z\d]*[a-z]$/
const words = ['hello123', '123hello', 'hello_world']

function check(word) {
  console.log(word, word.match(pattern) ? 'match' : 'no match')

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