ReactJS incorporates multiple CSS files

I am currently working on developing a Single Page Application using ReactJS. However, I am facing an issue with styling. Currently, I have created 3 different pages (with the intention of adding more in the future), each having its own CSS file that is imported as follows:

import index form './index.css'*

import page3 form './index.css'*

import page3 form './index.css'*

When I initially open the site in the browser and navigate to the (index) page, everything appears fine. But when I proceed to the next page (page2), then click back and return to the (index) page, the styles are changed. This is happening because some classes have the same name in both CSS files, and the second CSS file loaded (page2.css) is overriding the (index.css). How can I resolve this issue?

Apologies if my question is not very clear.

Thank you!

Answer №1

In order to differentiate between various contexts, it is essential to establish a clear method. While it's challenging to provide specific advice without reviewing the code itself, one potential solution could involve assigning an ID to a parent element on every page. By incorporating this ID into your CSS selector, you can precisely target the desired element for styling purposes.

div#inIndex .myStyle {
    /* styles */

div#inPage2 .myStyle {
    /* styles */

div#inPage3 .myStyle {
    /* styles */

While this approach may be effective, I must question why distinct class names are not utilized instead?

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