React Transition for Mui Menu

I'm having trouble implementing a Mui menu on my website and adding a transition effect from the right side. Here is the code I have tried:

<Menu transitionDuration={1} open={Open} onClose={Close} MenuListProps={} className="nav">
     <MenuItem >Home</MenuItem> 
     <MenuItem >About</MenuItem> 
     <MenuItem >Contact</MenuItem> 

Can anyone advise me on how to correctly add a transition effect from the right side in this code? I am new to React and Mui, and despite changing the transition duration to 5, it's not working as expected.

Answer №1

When using the menu component in MUI, you have options such as anchorOrigin and anchorPosition to position your popup menu item. Here is an example that may help:

          vertical: 500,
          horizontal: "left",
        vertical: 400,
        horizontal: "right",
     <MenuItem >Home</MenuItem> 
     <MenuItem >About</MenuItem> 
     <MenuItem >Contact</MenuItem> 


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