React - the perfect solution for managing dynamic inline styles

When it comes to handling inline styles, there are two scenarios to consider. Which approach is the most effective for 'toggling' CSS properties based on the component state - or is there a better alternative?

1. The first method involves creating a style variable where you check the component's state to determine the styling. This approach utilizes only one object when assigning the style in your JSX. You can see it in action here. Interestingly, this method is not discussed in this popular question thread.

render() {
    const style = {
      pStyle: {
        borderRadius: this.state.isCircle ? '50%' : '0px', // Check current state
        height: this.state.isCircle ? '100px' : 'auto', // Check current state
        display: 'inline-block',
        width: '100px',
        textAlign: 'center',
        transition: 'all 0.5s ease-in-out',
        border: 'solid 2px lightblue'
    return (
        <p style={style.pStyle} onClick={this.HandleClick}>Hi!</p>


2. The second method involves creating multiple objects to represent each CSS state of the component. In this case, you need to check the component's state in your JSX and merge the objects using ES6's Object.assign. See it working here.

    const style = {
      pStyle : {
        display: 'inline-block',
        width: '100px',
        textAlign: 'center',
        transition: 'all 0.5s ease-in-out',
        border: 'solid 2px lightblue'
      pStyleCircle : { // This will only be applied when the state is Circle
        borderRadius: '50%',
        height: '100px',
    return (
        <p style={Object.assign({}, style.pStyle, this.state.isCircle && style.pStyleCircle)} onClick={this.HandleClick}>Hi!</p>

Both approaches are functional, but which one is preferable and why?

Answer №1

There isn't a definitive right way to approach this. There are many variables to consider.

In my personal opinion, I believe the second option is more user-friendly and easier to maintain. Although I typically avoid using inline styles, I would have implemented a similar solution using CSS and different modifier classes with only the necessary properties.

It's worth noting that achieving the same result can also be done with CSS and classnames.

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